Monday, October 12, 2009
Seafood Festival
Friday, August 14, 2009
Ice Road Truckers
George is the old pro and is retiring after spending thirty years on the "Haul Road." Surviving that long on one of the most dangerous roads in the world takes a lot of skill and a little luck, he's lost some good friends along the way that had as much skill but just ran out of luck.
Tim survived his first season on the Dalton without a major incident. I asked him how much the show has changed his life, "I'm amazed that people recognize me now, I'm just a truck driver but it has been all been a great experience and a lot of fun."
Lisa is trying to balance all the attention that the show has thrust upon her as well as a new husband. She gets dozens of request for pictures every day, but politely declines those wanting a kiss on the cheek, even one from a shaved head bus driver that had to settle for a hug and a bruised ego.
Lol..... it won't be the last time Tyler is told no.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Kenai
A quick trip down to the Kenai Peninsula for the weekend was a much needed respite from the smoke that has plagued the interior for the past two months.
The Homer Spit is a great place to visit, it is a little narrow sliver of land that juts out into Kachemak Bay. The atmosphere in the Salty Dawg Saloon is great and the baked halibut at Captain Patties is without a doubt the best that I have ever had.
Other than the fifty miles or so along the coast the drive down the Kenai is not that picturesque.
The road is good but you better be watchful for moose, especially late in the evening, we saw twelve on the way back and that doesn't inclued the one that was hit by a truck just a minute or two before we met them.
The fires burning north of Healy have really increased in size and are pumping out a tremendous volume of smoke. The wind had been blowing from the north for a couple of days but shifted again and is now from the south, bringing the smoke back into town. The ash is covering everything and the air quality is so low that centers have been opened in Fairbanks to allow residents the opportunity to sit inside a sealed room and breath filtered air. It is not as bad as the summers of 2004 and 2005 were but it brings back a lot of memories.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Smoke In town
Two more tours left this season and it's off to Fayetteville, North Carolina to spend a few days with Bryan before he deploys to Iraq for a year. It's getting here too fast.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Two Weeks On The Dalton
The Ice Road Truckers show on the History Channel is doing thirteen episodes this season on the Dalton and several of the truckers that I have met are featured on there. The road is not the worst that I have ever driven but you had better know who and what's around you on some of the blind corners. The conditions can change quickly and there's not much room for error. Most of the traffic that you encounter is usually bigger than the bus that I'm in and at times we have to get off the road entirely for an oversized load from fifteen to twenty one feet wide and weighing up to one hundred sixty thousand pounds.
It's a four hundred fourteen mile adventure from the Elliott Highway to Deadhorse and most of it is gravel. The beauty of the north slope and the wildlife make this the trip of a lifetime though, it is almost impossible to describe it, you simply have to see and experience it to understand.
I have to make a quick run down to Skagway next week before heading back up to Prudhoe Bay the following week, it will seem strange to drive on the pavement all the time.
This summer is going by so quickly.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Days Off
It's cloudy, cool and raining a little today, perfect day to have a bowl of ice cream. But then again I like ice cream when it's clear and hot too. Heck, I just like ice cream anytime.
Think I'll have a buffalo burger for lunch, they are the best.
Not much else happening, waiting around for Thursday to head back up north.
Friday, June 5, 2009
A Month Without Internet Access
Just returned from the first tour of the season to Prudhoe Bay, the Dalton Highway was pretty rough, as it always is this time of the year. The caribou are finishing up their spring migration and there were hundreds of them along the road, all headed north. We'll see them again in late August when they head south.
Atigun pass was breathtaking, the snow is deep and this is the time of the year when it just looks like what you expect Alaska to look like.
The trip up was fun, it snowed all the way from the pass to Deadhorse and the temp was around 25. Much warmer coming back, it hit 70 in Coldfoot.
In addition to the caribou, we saw several moose, about 50 Dall sheep, a small pack of grey wolves and thousands of geese, ducks and swans. The mosquitoes are out already too, saw a few million of them.
Will be in town for a few days now and head back up the Dalton next Thursday.
Friday, May 1, 2009
In Fairbanks
The wildlife along the way was great, couldn't count the number of moose that I saw.
I'll get some pictures up later.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Visited With Some Friends Today
I'm just amazed at what Scullee and George can do with a piece of wood, I ordered a dozen more canes, they'll be ready by the time I come back through here in August.
Saw a huge moose and some elk this afternoon, still a lot of snow on the ground too.
I had quite an experience on the flight Sunday but just haven't had time to write about it yet, I'll catch up early next week.
Headed to bed early tonight, got about 700 miles to do tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
735 Miles Yesterday
Headed out to Scullee's this morning and up to the Alaska Highway in the afternoon.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I'll be leaving Sunday morning for Fairbanks.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Buffett Was Fantastic
Gotta go lie down again.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Things That Bug Me
With all the rain we have had in the past two weeks, it's no surprise that we have seen a couple of "Palmetto Bugs" in the house. I have sprayed every room and all around the outside of the house but they still find a way to get in.
Saturday was a very busy day, I left home at 8 am headed to Athens and had gotten almost to I-75 near Jackson when my phone rang. It was Julie letting me know that my wallet and money was lying on the table. I would have discovered it anyway in five more minutes when I stopped for gas, there was nothing I could do except turn around and drive back home. It should have been an omen.
After walking around Sanford Stadium several times, taking over 250 pictures, attending the press conference, eating at both the Blind Pig and The Varsity, it was time to make the drive back to Thomaston.
It was late when I got in and I was still too hyped up to go to sleep so I downloaded all the pictures and worked on them until 2 am. It must have been closer to three before I finally went to sleep and everything was fine until around 6 am.
Just before daylight, I felt something run up my right leg. It woke me up in a hurry and I immediately took a swing at whatever it was.
I had no idea that I had been sleeping on my arm long enough for my right hand to go completely numb. If felt like I was swinging someone else's arm and it totally disrupted my aim, I hit myself squarely in the groin hard enough to nearly knock me completely out of the bed. As I doubled up in pain, I felt whatever it was run underneath my backside.
That was all it took, I have never jumped so high and so far out of a bed from a prone position in my life. I don't know who I scared the most, Julie or the bug. I still couldn't control my right arm and had to get back to the head of the bed to take another swat at the thing with my left one, by then Julie was headed out the back door.
I finally got the thing killed and in the dust pan. As I made my way to the back door to throw it out, I picked up the truck keys just in case I had to go up the street and bring Julie back. Luckily she had only made it to the mailbox and could still hear me.
Orkin will be here before noon.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tangled With A Toilet
After my three day ordeal with the water heater, the next thing on the list was to replace a leaking supply valve on the toilet, not a technically difficult thing to do. They are really simple to replace if you can get two hands on them. Remember though that the valve was located and installed by the same builder that put the water heater in a closet with a door too small to get it out and needless to say, it was impossible to just neal down and remove it.
This valve cost $2.89 and is about the size of an egg, not a major piece of hardware.
I tried every position possible to get both wrenches on the thing, my shoulders would not fit between the vanity and the bowl. I reached around the bowl, hugging it, with my face pressed against the tank and could put them on it but I couldn't turn it. I finally had to lie down on my side, wedging myself between the tank and the vanity with my arms over my head to get to it.
Well as it turned out, getting the valve off wasn't the biggest problem.
I had managed to get curled around the bowl enough to get the leverage I needed to remove it but discovered that not having my shoes on was a huge mistake. The tile floor was so slippery, my socks would not give me any grip and with my arms over my head, I had no way of getting out of this predicament.
After several minutes of evaluating my options, it was pretty clear that I was going to need some help. The best decision I made all day was to take care of this little project while I was not alone in the house. I finally yelled to Julie that I needed a hand, knowing full well what her first reaction was going to be as she entered the bathroom.
After she had time to collect herself and dry the tears in her eyes from all the laughter, she helped pull me out of the narrow little space that I had become so familiar with.
The toilet flushes now and it's not leaking so far, but I have an entirely different bond with it today.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Dancing With A Hot Water Heater
The house was built thirty years ago following a fire and the builder placed the water heater in a small hall closet. The location was not where I would have recommended since it is at the opposite end of the house from the kitchen but that was not the real problem. The door to the closet is 17 inches wide and the old water heater was 19 inches wide, it wouldn't come out.
I had to tear out all of the door frame and facing to get the darn thing out, then I had to replumb the new one since it was a different size. All of that took five trips to Home Depot to get supplies or tools, Mark in the plumbing department thinks that I'm building an entire subdivision. I just wonder what went through the builders mind when he framed in around the water heater and had to know that it wouldn't come out of there.
At least it did last for 30 years before the bottom rusted out.
We do have hot water now but I still have to rebuild the door. That's going to take at least 4 more Piggy Park Bar-B-Que deluxes to accomplish.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Great Soup & Cornbread
Kim cooked some of the best vegetable soup, corn bread and hot chicken bites that I have ever had, she is a good cook and I really enjoy visiting with them. Bully was glad to see us too.
Tomorrow's chore is putting in a new hot water heater, it will probably take all day and the weather forecast is for a high in the mid 50's with a low near 32, might even see a little snow tomorrow night. Not a good day to be crawling underneath a house working on water lines.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Smoke On The Water
We walked around checking out some of the vendors and began bumping into a lot of old friends, some that I had not seen in many years. Spent an hour with Ricky and Kathy Tucker eating some great bar-b-que, cole slaw and the best brunswick stew that I have tasted outside of 8112 South Lagoon Drive. Ricky made the stew and he had a special bar-b-que sauce that he made with peaches that just may be the best I've ever had. David Britt, Tom Daniel, Tim Turner and Bo Waldrop all showed up about the time I finished and we spent another hour laughing and talking.
Barney and Janice Bowles were there and we are all hoping that Coy and the band win the CMA award Sunday night for Best New Artist.
The rest of our gang showed up late but in time to hear Conner Christian and his band play, it got pretty cold by the time they had finished and we left.
Tomorrow we try some more bar-b-que and dress a little better for the weather.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Finally Got Out Of The Recliner
Smoke On The Water starts tomorrow, good music and bar-b-que, I'll get up for that.
Guess it's pretty easy to see that there's not much going on right now.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sitting Still
Got a doctors appointment in the morning though so I'll have to get up early. I can't see it but apparently there's this mole on my back that is growing like crazy and needs to be taken off. It's shaped like a bus.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Mysterious One Armed Woman
As I approached my assigned seat I noticed a woman in a strange litte hat, she look up and asked if the one next to her was my seat, it was. I immediatly became aware that she had built her own little nest already with books, magazines, some other gadegts that I didn't recognize, her cane and some pillows. There was no way for me to get into my seat without her standing up and as she did so, I discovered that she only had one arm.
Sitting on the other side of me next to the window was a young man with his cap pulled down low, a coat wrapped around him and he was already sound asleep.
I slid in and buckled up knowing that this was gonna be a strange ride. As we pushed back from the terminal, the mysterious one armed woman began tearing pages out of one of the magazines and stuffing them into the pockets of her jacket. At that point I decided it was probably a good time to go to sleep, I crossed my arms over my chest and shut my eyes.
My throat began to sting a little and I realized that I had been sitting there asleep for quite a while with my mouth wide open. I peeped out of my right eye and saw the mysterious one armed woman digging through one of her bags and knew right away that I didn't want to get into a conversation so I better go back to sleep, I somehow knew that it was better to sit with my mouth open than answer a lot of her questions.
A couple of hours later, I opened my left eye just in time to see the young man sitting on my left jump over me on his way to the restroom. The mysterious one armed woman stood in the isle the entire time he was gone and stared at me, I would open my eyes just enough to see her but not enough to let her know that I was awake. He finally returned to his seat and began spitting into a drink bottle, he had put some dip in his mouth and I was just hoping that he had been doing this long enough so that it wouldn't make him sick.
The last 30 minutes of the flight got pretty rough but I managed to keep my eyes closed until we finally were on the ground. As we taxied up to the terminal and came to a stop, the mysterious one armed woman stood up, looked me straight in the eye and said "you're the best plane sleeper that I have ever seen, how do you do it?" I told her that chocolate puts me to sleep, the last time that I saw her, she was at the news stand buying a pack of M and M's.
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Day With The Roaming Gnome

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thank Goodness For Brookstone
I'm certainly glad that we got in before the huge snow storm hits the midwest, 10 to 20 foot drifts expected as far south as Amarillo by Saturday. Another storm headed into Seattle by Sunday but we'll get out of here first thing Saturday morning so that won't be a problem either.
Seattle is a great city, I really like it here, beautiful scenery, easy to get around in and the downtown area is very nice. The food is fantastic. It's too far from the Dawgs though.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Checked into the Homewood Suites overlooking Elliott Bay in downtown Seattle, it's just across the street from the Holland America building and I'm looking forward to some great seafood for the next couple of days.
100 More Miles To Go
Arrived at Dan's ranch in Idaho late Monday night and spent most of today unloading the bus and doing laundry, it snowed all morning. If there is a place anywhere on earth to get a good nights sleep, it's at Dan's. The ranch is about 30 miles south of Spokane right on the Idaho line and it is so quiet that is seemed like you could hear the snow falling. We left in time to have dinner at Longhorn Bar-B-Que in Spokane, it is one of our favorites too.
Other than the wind, the drive up through Montana was beautiful with all the snow covered mountains. The Bitterroot Range is named after the state flower and is one of the most majestic in the Rockies.
The most difficult part of the trip so far has been the drive between Price and Provo in Utah, it was dark, the snowflakes were huge and falling so fast that it was very difficult to see the road. Driving in a snow storm like that creates an optical illusion that makes it appear as though you are turning upside down, it takes a lot of focus to keep things right side up.
This Explorer Coach season is almost over, it went by so fast, we fly home on Saturday morning and take 4 weeks off before heading to Alaska on the 26th.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Desert To Blizzard
It was 35 degrees and snowing hard when we arrived in Pocatello, Idaho.
Between the two, I wrestled with the Bears all day long, there were wind gust of over 50 miles per hour and one of the worst sand storms that I have ever driven through, it was a battle to just stay between the shoulders of the road let alone the lines.
Two days left on our journey across the country and I'll catch everyone up when we get to Seattle.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Two Long Days
We had lunch Friday at another of my favorite places, Jason's Deli in Shreveport, then spent about three hours with uncle Donny, aunt Sharon, Rhonda and her daughter Amanda, Sharon's mom and two dogs in Sulphur Springs, Texas. Didn't make it to the hotel until nearly 2am.
Lunch Saturday was at a special place too, The Big Texan in Amarillo, Texas. It's home to the 72 ounce steak that is free if you can eat it all in an hour. My steak was much smaller and we were still there over two hours by the time we took all the pictures and shopped.
On a sad note, we drove up on a fatal accident just after leaving Cadillac Ranch on the west side of Amarillo, the man driving the Honda was pronounced dead at the scene and his passenger is listed in critical condition, the occupants of the Ford truck were not seriously injured.
A delay caused by a Dairy Queen that required both of us to eat a chocolate covered strawberry waffle bowl nearly made taking a picture at the state capitol in Santa Fe, New Mexico a flash only event. There's just not enough time in a day to eat ice cream and take pictures too.
Arrived at the hotel in Farmington just before midnight and have to get an early start today, a stop in Provo, Utah then up to Pocatello, Idaho.
Only 1500 more miles to go.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
You Can Never Get Enough Catfish And Turnip Greens
Followed the historic US 80 route across Alabama through Selma, it has really changed in the last few years.
Made it into Jackson, Mississippi in time to have dinner at one of my favorite stops.
The Cock of the Walk has the best turnip greens that I have ever eaten, throw in some of their catfish fillets and it is unbeatable. Dining at the Nashville location and in Jackson in less than a week will make me need a bigger belt.
The restaurant literally sits on the banks of the Ross Barrett Reservoir on the north side of Jackson in the community of Ridgeland. If you are looking for some great food and a cornbread flipping good time either of the locations will "get'er done."
Tomorrow we start our "Waltz Across Texas."
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
All Packed And Ready To Roll
Tomorrow also means having dinner at Cock of the Walk in Jackson, Mississippi, more catfish and turnip greens, can't wait.
Packing Day
Bryan graduates from boot camp tomorrow morning, he is really doing well in the Army. I'm very proud of him.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Music Row On A Saturday Night
Had lunch today at Red Lobster with Megan Peeler, good food and a chance to see how things have gone with her since winning the Colgate Country Music Showdown here in Nashville a couple of years ago. She was still excited about singing the national anthem at the race last Saturday and meeting everyone there, it was her first race and she will get to sing again in Charlotte later this year. If you have not heard her performance, here's the YouTube link Megan Peeler.
Headed back to Thomaston later tonight, we'll be there until Thursday, then it's off to Seattle.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Dinner this evening was at the Cock of the Walk, just up the street from the Opryland Hotel and it was fantastic. Catfish, turnip greens, cole slaw and great cornbread. I don't know what they do to the turnip greens but they are by far the best I have ever eaten, certainly worth the drive if you are anywhere near Nashville or the original restaurant in Jackson, Mississippi.
We will be at the Country Music Hall of Fame tomorrow night and are expecting over 200 people to see the coach and talk about Alaska. It should be a great way to end the season.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rain, Sleet & Snow
Dinner at Mimi's in Hendersonville turned into a Thanksgiving feast, I had more turkey and dressing than I could eat followed by some great bread pudding. Tomorrow will be catfish and turnip greens, can't wait.
The Diamond Dawgs are still undefeated and ranked number one as the basketball season finally came to an end, it's going to be a challenge for the new coach to come in and turn things around.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Cold And Wendy Nashville
Dinner time finally got here and boy did things pick up when we arrived at the Loveless Cafe for some home cooking and a few of Carol Fay's famous biscuits. I ate fried chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans and those biscuits until I was hurting and just couldn't get anything else to go down. There is a box of the biscuits sitting next to me as I type though and they will be great in the morning.
Winter storm warnings are out for the area this evening and tomorrow morning, may see a little more snow or ice but it won't last long. The high tomorrow will be around 38, at least we don't have to leave the hotel until noon.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Nashville Bound
Timing is important so loading up the coach and hitting the road just before lunch made our first stop at Piggy Park for a hot dog, a bar-b-que deluxe and a cherry coke necessary. Had company show up too, my uncle Horace, aunt Janette and Dustin Fordham all stopped by while we were there, it's pretty easy to spot us traveling with the bears.
Just could not pass up the Varsity in Atlanta for a frosty orange when it came into sight either, it took us over three hours to get to the north side of Atlanta but we still got into Nashville before dark.
Looking forward to some good food in Nashville, the Cock of the Walk for some catfish and turnip greens along with the Loveless Cafe for some biscuits are defiantly on the itinerary for this week.
Megan Peeler called, she lives in Brentwood near where we are staying and we look forward to having dinner with her one evening. Excited to have her at the Saturday show coming up at the Country Music Hall of Fame too, a lot to talk about.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Race Day
The biggest surprise was the size of the crowd that showed up at AMS, around 94,400 proved that the economy is not all bad, at least for true race fans. I drove the Explorer Coach around the track during the parade lap before the race got underway and could not believe the number of pictures that were being taken of the Bears.
Took another picture with Randy Owen during the driver introductions, had not talked to him since the fall race of 1992 when Alabama sang the national anthem. Great guy, very friendly and humble.
Had to call Coy Bowles with the Zac Brown Band to tell him about Chicken Fried being played on the PA system just before the pre-race activities got underway and how the crowd reacted. Was great to hear that they had won the CMA New Vocal Group or Duo Award last week.
Got a day off tomorrow, then head to Nashville on Tuesday.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday At Atlanta Motor Speedway
Excellent meeting with the Speedway Motor Sports staff just before watching the end of the truck race in Bruton Smith's suite directly over the flag stand.
Megan Peeler was there to sing the national anthem before the race and I had a chance to talk with her about how her career was going since winning the Colgate Country Regional Showdown in Thomaston then blowing away the competition in the national finals held at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville a couple of years ago. She was excited to see us again and was still thankful of the picture that I took in Thomaston the night she won that was used in her national promotion campaign. Sweet girl with lots of talent.
Tomorrow is race day, got to get started early.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Qualifying Day At AMS
We were joined by our Speedway Motor Sports host from Charlotte for a more in-depth tour after lunch. Introduced Bill and Julie to Darrell Waltrip when we bumped into him entering the radio/TV booth.
Qualifying wasn't until 6:45 this evening so we spent a little time resting in Club One. Mark Martin, at age 50, the oldest competitor in the field took the pole, his first since May of 2001 and although the number of fans present was far less than normal, the roar could still be heard in the suites.
Tomorrow the truck race and a very important meeting with the SMI staff concerning our possible sponsorship involvement with NASCAR.
On a different note, the Dawgs added the last member of this years signing class with Orson Charles the tightend/wide receiver from Plant High School in Tampa picking UGA over USC and Tennessee. Ha,ha beat the Vols again for a top 100 recruit.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
NASCAR Weekend Finally Here
Friday is qualifying day and we will do a tour of the entire facility before the cars hit the track. Julie wants Jimmy Johnson to win and I want anyone but Jimmy Johnson to win on Sunday.
Got the bears fed, had dinner myself and now it's finally bedtime.
Long Day Today
Bed time.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Memphis Blues
Got most of the final plans into place on this weekend's race activities, it is going to be a fun weekend at Atlanta Motor Speedway. We will have the Explorer Coach in the parade lap before the race starts, then spend the rest of the day in the pits or in one of the suites.
Planning on some Memphis Bar-B-Q this evening, maybe even a little blues at B.B. King's place then one more day here before heading to Birmingham and Atlanta.
Not going to a donut shop so I probably won't see Elvis this trip.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Walking Tall
Went by his grave site and the location of his accident on Highway 64 where the locals claim that he hit an embankment at about 130 miles per hour in his new Corvette.
I bought me a "Walking Tall Stick" and thought that I might have to use it on a couple of stinky hobos that were visiting the museum at the same time. They had walked from Colorado and it sure smelled like they had not had a bath since leaving the mountains, I don't know how in the world they could tolerate each other, it was bad.
Got into Memphis in time to have the coach washed, it needed it after the heavy rain and snow of the past week.
Hotel gave me an upgrade to a whirlpool suite and I'm about to get a little wet and relaxed.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Snow Day
Can not believe the number of people that showed up on a cold, snowy Sunday morning to look at the Explorer Coach, talked all day.
Headed over to Decatur, Alabama around 4pm to have a late lunch at Big Bob Gibson's Bar-B-Q, it was much better than I was told it would be. The best ribs I have ever eaten, great sauce and cole slaw too. Rachael Ray just picked it as the best BBQ pork in the country, if you are ever in the area be sure to drop by.
Now it's off to Memphis and some Blues on Beale Street.